Brian Subirana/Stephen Ho - Barcelona 2017

Conference Video|Duration: 8:38
July 24, 2017
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    IoT and Sports Analytics

    We will present research at the Auto-ID Laboratory towards Internet of Things identification technologies that can become umpiring and training tools for sport analytics. For example, we have used a grid of lasers to measure a Cricket ball’s position at the point it crosses the wicket and compared this position to the position reported by non-invasive systems, and have developed a low-cost golf-ball tracking system using passive RFID tags. The relevance to sport of IoT Conversational Commerce research and of other projects being conducted in the laboratory will also be reviewed briefly.
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  • Video details

    IoT and Sports Analytics

    We will present research at the Auto-ID Laboratory towards Internet of Things identification technologies that can become umpiring and training tools for sport analytics. For example, we have used a grid of lasers to measure a Cricket ball’s position at the point it crosses the wicket and compared this position to the position reported by non-invasive systems, and have developed a low-cost golf-ball tracking system using passive RFID tags. The relevance to sport of IoT Conversational Commerce research and of other projects being conducted in the laboratory will also be reviewed briefly.
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