
Conference Video|Duration: 20:54
May 19, 2021
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    Today we are at the brink of an accelerating climate crisis while half the world lives in cities and rates of biodiversity loss and deforestation are at historic highs. We are also in a golden era of scientific and engineering breakthroughs and technology and market innovation. From advances in artificial intelligence to carbon capture we may be witnessing the emergence of a transformation of society and industry toward a sustainable, equitable and humane future. Prof. Fernandez will describe the mandate and work of MIT’s primary environmental organization charged with creating solutions to climate change and other environmental challenges. The work of the ESI leverages key capacity of the entire MIT faculty, student body and staff across diverse topics in research, education and engagement. The expansion of the ESI bodes well for MIT’s ever more targeted role in a sustainable future. In this mission we hope to partner with you. 
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  • Video details
    Today we are at the brink of an accelerating climate crisis while half the world lives in cities and rates of biodiversity loss and deforestation are at historic highs. We are also in a golden era of scientific and engineering breakthroughs and technology and market innovation. From advances in artificial intelligence to carbon capture we may be witnessing the emergence of a transformation of society and industry toward a sustainable, equitable and humane future. Prof. Fernandez will describe the mandate and work of MIT’s primary environmental organization charged with creating solutions to climate change and other environmental challenges. The work of the ESI leverages key capacity of the entire MIT faculty, student body and staff across diverse topics in research, education and engagement. The expansion of the ESI bodes well for MIT’s ever more targeted role in a sustainable future. In this mission we hope to partner with you. 
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