
Conference Video|Duration: 44:31
March 17, 2022
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    Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) has the potential to be a significant player in helping the world reach its goal of net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases.  While there has been a great deal of research and development of CCS technologies over the past three decades, CCS deployment has been somewhat limited.  In this talk, I will discuss the present status of CCS and what is holding back its large scale deployment.  Looking to the future, I will examine the different roles CCS can play, including decarbonizing power and industrial plants, producing low-carbon hydrogen, and removing CO2 from the atmosphere.  I will conclude by suggesting what is needed to accelerate the deployment of CCS.
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  • Video details
    Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) has the potential to be a significant player in helping the world reach its goal of net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases.  While there has been a great deal of research and development of CCS technologies over the past three decades, CCS deployment has been somewhat limited.  In this talk, I will discuss the present status of CCS and what is holding back its large scale deployment.  Looking to the future, I will examine the different roles CCS can play, including decarbonizing power and industrial plants, producing low-carbon hydrogen, and removing CO2 from the atmosphere.  I will conclude by suggesting what is needed to accelerate the deployment of CCS.
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