
Conference Video|Duration: 17:04
March 16, 2023
  • Video details
    Oils and fats are the backbone of ingredients found ubiquitously in consumer products, in everything from soaps and shampoos to lipstick, Nutella, and biodiesel, to name a few. The current market for oils and fats is $250 billion, and it is projected to grow to $875 billion by 2050, driven by global population growth. Current sources of fats and oils are unpredictable and unsustainable, leaving consumer goods manufacturers with few good options. C16 Biosciences’ proprietary biomanufacturing platform unlocks the scaled production of novel oils that can outperform existing alternatives – starting with palm oil - meeting the cost, performance, and sustainability requirements for consumer products.
  • Video details
    Oils and fats are the backbone of ingredients found ubiquitously in consumer products, in everything from soaps and shampoos to lipstick, Nutella, and biodiesel, to name a few. The current market for oils and fats is $250 billion, and it is projected to grow to $875 billion by 2050, driven by global population growth. Current sources of fats and oils are unpredictable and unsustainable, leaving consumer goods manufacturers with few good options. C16 Biosciences’ proprietary biomanufacturing platform unlocks the scaled production of novel oils that can outperform existing alternatives – starting with palm oil - meeting the cost, performance, and sustainability requirements for consumer products.