
Conference Video|Duration: 57:13
October 19, 2020
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    With over $500bn invested in fintech in the past 6 years, the venture community has vigorously supported the sector. Incumbent institutions, however, have been at times slow to adopt these new technologies. Pandemic-imposed digitization of money and work have now accelerated the pace, and created existential risk for many financial organizations from big tech and startups alike. How are institutions reinventing themselves around AI, big data, and other digital technologies? How are governments enabling this shift? What new ecosystems are arising?
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  • Video details
    With over $500bn invested in fintech in the past 6 years, the venture community has vigorously supported the sector. Incumbent institutions, however, have been at times slow to adopt these new technologies. Pandemic-imposed digitization of money and work have now accelerated the pace, and created existential risk for many financial organizations from big tech and startups alike. How are institutions reinventing themselves around AI, big data, and other digital technologies? How are governments enabling this shift? What new ecosystems are arising?
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