
Conference Video|Duration: 50:40
April 30, 2024
  • Video details

    Entrepreneurship in the last decade has undergone a profound transformation, adapting to the rapid technological advancements and evolving market demands. To meet these new challenges, there's a pressing need for robust and adaptable standards in entrepreneurship education that ensure future entrepreneurs are well-equipped. In this session, we will debunk common myths and misconceptions surrounding entrepreneurship, shedding light on the realities of starting and running a successful business in today's world.

  • Video details

    Entrepreneurship in the last decade has undergone a profound transformation, adapting to the rapid technological advancements and evolving market demands. To meet these new challenges, there's a pressing need for robust and adaptable standards in entrepreneurship education that ensure future entrepreneurs are well-equipped. In this session, we will debunk common myths and misconceptions surrounding entrepreneurship, shedding light on the realities of starting and running a successful business in today's world.