Cyber risk and cybersecurity are a source of frustration for executives and government officials who spend inordinate time and worry trying to protect their data from sophisticated phishing schemes, ransomware, and state-sponsored hacking. However, cybersecurity issues are not purely a technology problem—they are multi-headed hydras that need to be addressed with a multi-disciplinary approach. This cybersecurity course is not intended to provide guidance on IT infrastructure or troubleshooting, rather it focuses on the humanistic and managerial aspects of cybersecurity. As a participant in this cyber security training for executives course, you will be provided with a framework of managerial protocols to follow, resulting in a personalized playbook with actionable next steps towards creating a more cyber-aware culture within your organization.
This intensive program details a unique and powerful approach to integrating business and technology strategy and to developing profitable ventures and technologies. Participants are introduced to a set of tools to identify high-leverage projects, match product strategy to market dynamics, capture market value, and change organizational capabilities to reflect evolving markets and technological dynamics.
You’ve created an innovative new product or service that could revolutionize your industry, but do you know how to successfully bring it to market? Are you prepared to assess market opportunities? Will customers readily understand the value of your innovation? This program is designed to provide executives who already have deep technical or functional experience with a thorough review of key marketing concepts as they relate to new innovations and new products. This course also covers new digital techniques and the evolution of marketing as a data-driven science.
Our Cultural Awareness for Global Business program is designed to help professionals thrive and operate effectively in culturally diverse teams. During the five-week program, you’ll learn to solve problems and avoid needless, counterproductive misunderstandings when working with people from different cultural backgrounds. You’ll also improve your intercultural and global leadership skills—and enhance your ability to succeed in today’s multicultural business world.
Companies have become dependent on large flows of information—exponentially increasing demand for security and speed. In our practical eight-week Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation program, you will explore the vast technological transformation that has occurred in recent years. Through real-life case studies and examples, you will learn about how these technologies have impacted the way we do business.