Startup Lightning Talks with Q&A Part II - Material Applications and End Life/Recycle
9.15.20 MIT Academic Innovator: “Electrochemical Pathways Towards Sustainability” (Presentation and Q&A)
Advances in materials science and engineering are key components of the innovation process. In this four-part series we highlight areas of materials research driving breakthroughs in technology.
Cancer precision medicine seeks to match each individual patient to the most effective available therapy. To date, precision medicine has largely been based on genomic profiling, in which patients with certain pre-defined genetic alterations are identified and matched with drugs targeting those specific abnormalities. Despite early success, progress in identifying additional actionable mutations has been slow, and today less than 20% of patients with metastatic cancer are eligible for FDA-approved genome-guided drugs. How can this be improved? What alternative approaches might there be?