Entry Date:
July 29, 2018

Swager Group

Principal Investigator Timothy Swager

Project Start Date July 2024

The Swager Group’s activities range broadly.  We are interested in new concepts and methods that can impact technology and make positive contributions to society.  Enduring themes include the development of functional materials, sensors, reaction chemistry for the construction of conjugated systems, electronics, and the materials biology interface.  We strive to create fundamental science and concepts with impact.  This implies applications and it is important to note that fundamental and applied science are not in conflict.  In fact, fundamental advances are what generally enable new thinking that can give rise to disruptive technologies.  Making materials lase was once fundamental and now lasers are used everywhere!  The group takes a very active role in transitioning technology to the real world and multiple companies have grown from our group’s technologies, including ICx Technologies (acquired by FLIR Systems), Iptyx (acquired by ICx Technologies), DyNuPol, C2 Sense, and Xibus Systems.  

Students in the group are given a broad exposure to both academic and entrepreneurial thinking to ensure that they are best prepared for an optimal career. Group alumni have taken many paths beyond the traditional academic and industrial careers including government laboratories, science policy, founding of startups, patent law, and management consulting.  The group is committed to diversity in every form and embraces the concept that we will all be enriched by interactions with others who have different experiences, interests, and preferences.

Ideally, every researcher steers the group in a slightly different direction or opens up a new area of interest.