Entry Date:
March 1, 2024

Senseable City Consortium (SCC)

Principal Investigator Umberto Fugiglando

Project Start Date July 2021

The Senseable City Lab is proud to have the opportunity to work with visionary cities and companies from all over the world. Each partnership and collaboration is unique to the stakeholders involved, but all members of the Senseable City Consortium receive the following benefits: access to MIT research, licensing rights to Intellectual Property (IP) generated on consortium projects, the opportunity to encourage education and scholarship by sponsoring fellowships, the ability to participate in annual board meetings, and significant global exposure.

The Senseable City Consortium (SCC) provides members with unique access to the cutting-edge thinking, methodologies, and technologies used in research at MIT. Consortium members participate first-hand in the exchange of knowledge, and through this participation, enable the implementation of results of research projects outside the academic setting. Each member will also have access to updates on research and Lab projects. This will facilitate collaborations, allowing members insight into the day-to-day activities of the Senseable City Lab. It also permits feedback from members to ensure two- way communication and the success of research partnerships.

Each Consortium member has licensing rights to Senseable City Lab inventions and IP generated on all Consortium- funded projects. Members are granted non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty- free licenses to all intellectual property developed during their membership period with the Senseable City Consortium. This unique access to IP extends to all Consortium members, although there are some differences to licensing rights dependent upon the membership category (further details available upon request). Exclusive, royalty-bearing licenses are also available to Industrial Members, providing the outlined guidelines are adhered to.

Each Consortium member may become directly involved with the research conducted at the Lab through consortium meetings. Held annually, they are an excellent forum to discuss the research agenda of the Lab, meet with other Consortium members (cities, industrial members, and non-profit organizations), and receive updates on all Consortium-based research undertaken by the Lab. It is also the venue through which members can communicate their marketplace needs and facilitate collaborations to expedite the transition of innovation into commercial products.

In addition to the benefits presented above, the Senseable City Lab also provides other sponsorship opportunities, namely permitting Consortium members to establish and name a chair. Through the endowment of faculty positions, industrial, non-profit and government members can recognize and support the cutting edge research being undertaken at the Senseable City Lab, ensuring the long term patronage of their field of research.