
Conference Video|Duration: 27:52
November 16, 2023
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    Prof. John Hart will describe a new initiative at MIT - Manufacturing@MIT - that aims to develop and scale the technologies and systems that will shape the future of production. The vision for Manufacturing@MIT incorporates research, education and training initiatives, entrepreneurship, new lab facilities, and more. Manufacturing@MIT is building an industry alliance that allows members to work closely with one another, and with MIT faculty and students on shaping their manufacturing strategy, exploring manufacturing-related research across campus, and educating their workforce.
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  • Video details
    Prof. John Hart will describe a new initiative at MIT - Manufacturing@MIT - that aims to develop and scale the technologies and systems that will shape the future of production. The vision for Manufacturing@MIT incorporates research, education and training initiatives, entrepreneurship, new lab facilities, and more. Manufacturing@MIT is building an industry alliance that allows members to work closely with one another, and with MIT faculty and students on shaping their manufacturing strategy, exploring manufacturing-related research across campus, and educating their workforce.
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