Entry Date:
September 1, 2020

MIT Energy and Climate Club

Principal Investigators Yet-Ming Chiang , Julie Newman

Project Website https://mitec-club.org/

Project Start Date July 2020

Project End Date
 August 2050

The MIT Energy and Climate Club connects students, alumni, and community members who are passionate about energy and climate change. From 2004 to 2023, the Energy Club has been MIT's central platform for discussions about energy at the world's leading technical institute. In the Fall of 2021, we expanded our work to include not only energy but also the fight to combat climate change, and the intersection of these two subject areas. As the club with the largest reach on campus, we are a hub for thought-leadership and relationship building. Join our powerful community today.

The MIT Energy Club’s Advisory Board guides the club’s strategy and events, directs its efforts towards the most impactful industry challenges and opportunities and prepares tomorrow’s energy leaders for a rapidly changing global landscape. Click through each image to view our Advisor’s full biography.