
Conference Video|Duration: 33:41
January 27, 2023
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    Within the last decade, the cost of climate-related disasters has continued to rise steeply. However, the impacts of these disasters are not distributed equally. Resource constrained communities, in urban as well as rural areas often disproportionately feel the burden of these disasters. This talk will present technology, design and planning strategies which anticipate climate change and seismic disasters. Drawing from her forthcoming book Design Before Disaster, Mazereeuw will share case studies from Japan which have influenced her work.  She will conclude by sharing current projects from the MIT Urban Risk Lab, which she leads. The projects range in scale from built housing prototypes, to online interactive planning strategies, to innovative AI and machine learning platforms to prioritize action. Based on the Urban Risk Lab’s main principals, all projects work to connect everyday actions with actions during disaster. They also connect the digital world with the spatial and social worlds we design, build and want to protect.
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  • Video details
    Within the last decade, the cost of climate-related disasters has continued to rise steeply. However, the impacts of these disasters are not distributed equally. Resource constrained communities, in urban as well as rural areas often disproportionately feel the burden of these disasters. This talk will present technology, design and planning strategies which anticipate climate change and seismic disasters. Drawing from her forthcoming book Design Before Disaster, Mazereeuw will share case studies from Japan which have influenced her work.  She will conclude by sharing current projects from the MIT Urban Risk Lab, which she leads. The projects range in scale from built housing prototypes, to online interactive planning strategies, to innovative AI and machine learning platforms to prioritize action. Based on the Urban Risk Lab’s main principals, all projects work to connect everyday actions with actions during disaster. They also connect the digital world with the spatial and social worlds we design, build and want to protect.
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