
Conference Video|Duration: 35:02
September 20, 2022
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    MIT’s commitment to climate and sustainability is grounded in leveraging the campus as a test bed.  This methodology, as applied by the Office of Sustainability with campus partners, leads to an evaluation and research process that seeks to inform and reimagine campus systems to advance a comprehensive commitment to sustainability and climate solution development.  At MIT, this approach manifests in the form of courses, class projects, lab research, data collection, and applied research.  Ultimately, we seek to transform MIT into a model organization that generates and demonstrates new and proven ways to respond to the challenge of our changing planet. 
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  • Video details
    MIT’s commitment to climate and sustainability is grounded in leveraging the campus as a test bed.  This methodology, as applied by the Office of Sustainability with campus partners, leads to an evaluation and research process that seeks to inform and reimagine campus systems to advance a comprehensive commitment to sustainability and climate solution development.  At MIT, this approach manifests in the form of courses, class projects, lab research, data collection, and applied research.  Ultimately, we seek to transform MIT into a model organization that generates and demonstrates new and proven ways to respond to the challenge of our changing planet. 
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