Principal Investigator Christopher Noble
Project Start Date June 2022
The MIT plastics and environmental objectives are: (1) the entire value chain, and (2) connections to public policy. The topics of the MIT Future of Plastics Initiative (FPI) will map into the subject areas of the UN Resolution, and include convening forums and research projects to promote dialogue, science-based cooperation, and data-driven policy choices and implementation.
The FPI will include convening, research and publication activities to support the key objectives called out in the UN Resolution: to identify issues, evaluate options, inform the organizations that are parties to the negotiation and implementation, to promote cooperation, and to assess implementation effectiveness, during the negotiation and beyond 2024.
The FPI will be organized as a member-supported consortium, drawing members from UN agencies, international and national government agencies, corporations, associations, NGOs and charitable foundations – all of the concerned, involved and impacted constituencies.