Prof. Haruko M Wainwright

Mitsui Career Development Assistant Professor in Contemporary Technology

Primary DLC

Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering

Research Summary

Professor Wainwright's research focuses on environmental informatics, aiming to improve understanding and predictions in Earth and environmental systems through mechanistic modeling and machine learning. She has been working on Bayesian geostatical methods and zonation-based data integration methods to integrate multi-type and multiscale datasets (e.g., point measurements, geophysical data, and drone/airborne/satellite remote sensing data) for estimating spatially heterogeneous subsurface and ecosystem properties. In addition, she has been developing real-time model-data integration approaches to improve environmental monitoring, including radiation, groundwater contamination and soil moisture. Wainwright works on broader topics, including watershed science, environmental monitoring and remediation, radiation monitoring and restoration after the Fukushima accident, and nuclear waste disposal. She leads and co-leads multiple interdisciplinary projects, including the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Long-term Environmental Monitoring Systems (ALTEMIS) project, and the Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP) initiative.

Recent Work