
Conference Video|Duration: 15:09
March 9, 2021
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    We are seeing tremendous growth in the field of sustainability, particularly in the capital markets. Investors are rapidly moving to incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their decision making. There are, however, three important barriers to sustainable investing. The first is that investors' mental models don't always match the reality of complex systems, as exemplified by climate change and what "net zero carbon" really requires. The second is measurement - the quality of data is not where we need it to be to drive portfolio construction and shareholder engagement. The third is impact - investors sometimes assume that avoiding risky stocks will change the world, and feel pressure to divest, but the reality is that shareholder engagement with imperfect companies may be a faster way to change the world, even if this strategy is harder to communicate to the marketplace.
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    We are seeing tremendous growth in the field of sustainability, particularly in the capital markets. Investors are rapidly moving to incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their decision making. There are, however, three important barriers to sustainable investing. The first is that investors' mental models don't always match the reality of complex systems, as exemplified by climate change and what "net zero carbon" really requires. The second is measurement - the quality of data is not where we need it to be to drive portfolio construction and shareholder engagement. The third is impact - investors sometimes assume that avoiding risky stocks will change the world, and feel pressure to divest, but the reality is that shareholder engagement with imperfect companies may be a faster way to change the world, even if this strategy is harder to communicate to the marketplace.
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