Dr. Paul T Bonoli

Senior Research Scientist
Group Leader

Primary DLC

Plasma Science and Fusion Center

MIT Room: NW16-240

Areas of Interest and Expertise

High Performance Computing Simulations of RF - Wave Particle Interactions
Theory and Computation of Radio-Frequency Wave-Particle Interactions

Research Summary

Paul Bonoli specializes in theoretical and computational plasma physics in the areas of radio-frequency (RF) heating and current drive in toroidal confinement devices (tokamaks). He has developed detailed simulation models for RF heating and current drive experiments, especially in the lower hybrid range of frequencies (LHRF). These models include integrated wave propagation, Fokker Planck, and transport calculations and they have been used throughout the international fusion community.

More recently he has become active in the use of massively parallel computing clusters to perform full-wave electromagnetic field simulations in the LH regime and to study mode conversion processes in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF). This work has been done in close collaboration with John Wright of the PSFC Theory Group. Throughout his career, Paul has had a special interest in the problem of the “lower hybrid (LH) spectral gap” that is ubiquitous to LH current drive experiments. In these experiments, LH waves are observed to damp efficiently and drive current despite the fact that the waves are injected at phase speeds where the population of electrons is too small to observe electron Landau damping.

Early in his career, Paul did work to understand this phenomenon in terms of toroidicity induced variations in the LH wave speed. Most recently he has worked with John Wright to understand this problem via spectral broadening due to diffraction effects that have been seen in LH full-wave simulations.

Recent Work