Dr. Andreas Mershin

Short Term Lecturer

Primary DLC

MIT Sloan School of Management

MIT Room: E15-401G

Areas of Interest and Expertise

G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (Structure and Function)
Machine Olfaction
Nano Material Science
Quantum Effects in Biology

Research Summary

Dr. Mershin's research has being funded by US government agencies (NSF, DoE, DARPA), industry (Intel, ROHM, GlaxoSmithKline, QR) and the Bay Valley Innovation Center in China and he has enjoyed the support of philanthropic organizations such as the Lindau Nobel Foundation (Germany), the Molecular Frontiers Foundation (Sweden), Epoch Foundation (Taiwan) and the Onassis Foundation (Greece). His extended team of collaborators spans the globe with partners such as the J.Craig Venter Institute, NIST, University of Minnessota, Columbia University, Harvard, Boston Children's Hospital and Mass General Hospital (USA), Medical Detection Dogs, King's College and GSK(UK), the Evolthon Genome Engineering Challenge at the Weizmann Institute (Israel), NTUA, and U Patras (Greece), the MIT-Wuxi alliance, Fudan U and Jiao Tong U (China), Nanyang Technological U (Singapore), Lomonosov U (Russia) and the world-wide FabLab network of 1800+ locations.

Recent Work