Prof. Dimitri A Antoniadis

Ray and Maria Stata Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Emeritus

Primary DLC

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

MIT Room: 39-427

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Electronic, Magnetic, Optical and Quantum Materials and Devices
Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Systems

Research Summary

Professor Antoniadis’ initial research activities were in the area of measurement and modeling of the earth’s ionosphere and thermosphere ranging from instrument design to computer simulation. After earning his Ph.D. at Stanford he led the development of the first two generations of the SUPREM process simulator, and since then his technical activity has been in the area of semiconductor devices and integrated circuit technology. He has worked on the physics of diffusion in silicon, thin-film technology and devices, and quantum-effect semiconductor devices. His current research focuses on the physics and technology of extreme-submicron Si, SOI and Si/SiGe MOSFETs.

Professor Antoniadis has made seminal contributions to the understanding of point defect mechanisms in atomic diffusion in silicon. In the late 70’s he pioneered experimental methods that led to the first proof and subsequent quantitative characterization of the dual, vacancy – interstitialcy diffusion mechanisms of common dopant atoms in silicon. Then, in the early 80’s he pioneered experimental field-effect nanostructures that became the basis for many investigations jointly with colleagues and students at MIT, of quantum effects in electron transport in ultra-small silicon and III-V field-effect devices. Several firsts, including lateral surface superlattice, quasi-one dimensional density of states, and single-electron transistor (SET) demonstrations resulted from this work. In parallel he led research that in 1985 resulted in sub-100-nm MOSFETs and the first demonstration of source to channel electron injection velocities exceeding the saturation velocity. This early work along with his subsequent studies of highly non-uniform channel doping, and more recent experimental studies of SOI transistors have contributed to the groundwork for today’s high performance silicon MOSFETs.

Recent Work

  • Video

    2024 MIT R&D Conference: Panel Discussion: The Making of MTL 2

    November 19, 2024Conference Video Duration: 47:48
    Panel Discussion: The Making of MTL – Community, Impact and Industry Partnership Through Semiconductors and Microsystems
    Jesús A. del Alamo
    Donner Professor in the School of Engineering
    L. Rafael Reif
    MIT President Emeritus
    Ray and Maria Stata Professor, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

    Ray Stata
    Entrepreneur, Engineer, and Investor, Stata Space
    Co-Founder and Board Member, Analog Devices

    Vladimir Bulović
    Director, MIT.nano,
    Fariborz Maseeh (1990) Professor of Emerging Technology, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

    Dimitri Antoniadis
    Ray & Maria Stata Professor of Electrical Engineering, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS)