Dr. Abhay K Ram

Principal Research Scientist
Coordinator for Theory Speakers, PSFC Seminars

Primary DLC

Plasma Science and Fusion Center

MIT Room: NW16-260

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Electromagnetic Wave-Plasma Interactions
Radiofrequency Heating
Wave Scattering
Nonlinear Dynamics
Wave-Particle Interactions in Plasmas
Plasma Waves

Research Summary

Magnetic Fusion: Heating, current drive, and transport, in toroidal devices, induced by radio frequency waves (ion cyclotron, lower hybrid, and electron cyclotron).

Parametric wave processes in the plasma edge.

Inertial Confinement Fusion: Laser-plasma interactions, nonlinear evolution of plasma waves, wave-particle interactions.

Space Plasmas: Nonlinear acceleration of ionospheric ions by waves, propagation of waves in density cavities, conversion of wave modes at resonances.

Nonlinear Plasma Physics: Coherent and chaotic dynamics of charged particles induced by electromagnetic waves, characterization of particle diffusion and the evolution of particle distribution function.

Recent Work