Dr. Peter A Gloor

Research Scientist
Founder and Chief Creative Officer, galaxyadvisors LLC

Primary DLC

Center for Collective Intelligence

MIT Room: E94-1504D

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs)
Swarm Creativity
Dynamic Social Network Analysis
Information Visualizing, and Sentiment Analysis
Developing the Condor Web Mining
Communication Analysis
Trend Prediction Software

Research Summary

Gloor is leading the COIN research team at MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (CCI) exploring Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs), Swarm Creativity, dynamic social network analysis, developing the Condor Web mining, communication analysis, and trend prediction software. He is Co-organizer of the conference series on COINs (www.coinsconference.org ).

Dr. Gloor is also the author of 7 scholarly books, most recently Coolfarming (AMACOM 2010), Coolhunting (AMACOM 2007) and Swarm Creativity (Oxford University Press 2006).

(bio updated 11/2011)

Recent Work