Dr. Anuradha M Agarwal

Principal Research Scientist
Director, LEAP (Lab for Education and Application Prototypes)
Director, EPP (Electronic-Photonic Packaging at MIT Microphotonics Center)

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Semiconductor Devices
VLSI Fabrication Technology
Solid-State Physical and Chemical Sensors
Silicon Microphotonics

Research Summary

Dr. Anu Agarwal received her doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from Boston University in 1994, where she investigated the spatial extent of point defect interactions in silicon.

She has been at MIT’s Microphotonics Center since 1994, except for a short (2001-2004) stint at Clarendon Photonics, where she was a part of a team of engineers developing a novel optical filter.

As a Principal Research Scientist at MIT, she developed integrated Si-CMOS compatible linear and non-linear materials for photonic devices, especially in the mid-IR regime, for hyperspectral imaging and chem-bio sensing, because most chemical and biological toxins have their fingerprints in this range. She has over 100 journals and refereed conference publications, 6 awarded patents, and 5 pending patents. Her work on MIR materials and devices is creating a planar, integrated, Si-CMOS-compatible microphotonics platform which will enable on-chip imaging and sensing applications.

​As AIM Academy's leader of LEAPs (Labs for Education and Application Prototypes), she works closely with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to identify potential investments in LEAPs and build a LEAP network to train a workforce in integrated photonics and support AIM Photonics' MPW (multi-project wafer) and packaging facilities in New York.

Recent Work

  • Video


    November 16, 2022Conference Video Duration: 36:17

    Brian Anthony
    Faculty Lead, Industry Immersion Program in Mechanical Engineering
    Co-Director, MIT Clinical Research Center
    Associate Director, MIT.nano
    Steve Suarez
    Global Head of Innovation, Global Functions, HSBC
    Anu Agarwal
    Principal Research Scientist, Initiative for Knowledge and Innovation in Manufacturing
    Valentin Heun
    Vice President of Innovation Engineering, PTC
    Dexter Ang
    CEO and Co-founder, Pison