Will Oliver - 2019 ICT Conference

Conference Video|Duration: 31:34
April 25, 2019
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    Introduction to Quantum Computing

    In this talk, we will introduce quantum computing. Quantum computers are fundamentally different than conventional computers. They promise to solve important problems that are practically prohibitive and even impossible to implement using today’s supercomputers. The challenge is building one that is large enough to be useful. We will review the state-of-the-art today, discuss the path forward, and highlight the MIT Center for Quantum Engineering and the role it will play in helping to define the quantum future.
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  • Video details

    Introduction to Quantum Computing

    In this talk, we will introduce quantum computing. Quantum computers are fundamentally different than conventional computers. They promise to solve important problems that are practically prohibitive and even impossible to implement using today’s supercomputers. The challenge is building one that is large enough to be useful. We will review the state-of-the-art today, discuss the path forward, and highlight the MIT Center for Quantum Engineering and the role it will play in helping to define the quantum future.
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