Entry Date:
September 1, 2016

Tasan Group

Principal Investigator C Cem Tasan

Project Website https://tasan.mit.edu/

Professor Taşan's Group develops in-situ microscopy techniques to understand the complex, but beautiful physics of microstructure and damage evolutions in metallic materials. We use this understanding to design alloys with excellent damage-resistance even in extreme conditions. Research Themes in Taşan Group follow three main directions:

(1) Develop Methods: We develop high resolution in-situ multi-field mapping methods. These methods rely on various scanning electron microscopy techniques (e.g. in-lens SE, EBSD, ECCI, EDS) as well as data post-processing techniques (e.g. DIC, n-point statistics) to map the evolutions of microstructural, chemical, and mechanical fields in a spatially-resolved manner.

(2) Unravel Mechanisms: Utilizing the developed multi-field mapping methods, we investigate the underlying physical mechanisms of microstructural transformation, plasticity, damage and repair processes in alloys. Some microprocesses of interest include hydrogen-defect interactions, mechanically-induced martensitic transformation, and microcrack nucleation, growth and coalescence.

(3) Design Materials: With the improved understanding of critical microstructural mechanisms, we design damage resistant alloys that have properties superior than those of existing materials. Recent designed materials include metastable dual-phase high entropy alloys, TRIP-Maraging steels, refractory high entropy alloys, and multi-gradient steels.