Entry Date:
August 7, 2015

Bio-Inspired Material Designs

Principal Investigator Zhao Qin

Biomaterial covers a range of materials that are expressed by genetic information and play functional roles for the biological system such as DNA origami, cytoskeleton network, bone, silk and wood. These materials have fascinating mechanical and biological functions built up from simple basic material building blocks. Such ability to synergistically integrate multiple advantages in materials goes far beyond our current understanding of using synthesizing engineered materials. Here my study is focusing on trying to gain mechanical insights of natural materials including spider web, cocoon, mussel thread or cytoskeleton network, and apply the knowledge to ngineered materials such as composites composed of graphene and other polymers. By using multiscale computational modeling I am able to design multifunctional materials starting from the molecular level. To generalize the findings, by utilizing the integrated combination of experimental characterization, mathematical modeling, massive computational calculation and advanced additive manufacturing, I illustrate the concept to realize materials of functions by design.