Principal Investigator Deborah Lucas
Co-investigators Andrew Lo , Robert Merton
The goal of this major project is to catalog the role of government in the financial sector around the world, and compare and evaluate their practices and efficacy. Governments play a central role in financial markets everywhere, both as allocators of capital and risk and as regulators, but those activities have never been systematically inventoried, nor have differences between countries been explained and analyzed. Expected output: The goal of the project is to produce a major report with chapters covering different countries and regions, which will eventually be published as a book.
This project will draw on many MIT students who can understand the relevant languages and institutions. To date this includes Ahmed Abdelrahman, an undergraduate from Egypt who is working on the Middle East as part of an independent study; and Sung Kwan Lee, an MFin student from Korea employed as an RA. Discussion on collaboration with students and academic peers from Israel, Chile, Brazil and China are underway. Additional researchers will be added opportunistically.