The goal of this venture is the development and implementation of a weather modification system that will enhance rainfall. We will use de-commissioned retired jet engines that will be directed upward to form powerful updrafts that will enhance rainfall. This concept is based on a successful Soviet program conducted more than 45 years ago in the Baltics.
Background: The field of weather modification is fraught with a tumultuous history. It started in 1950s with fevered commercial activities. Slowly however, it whimpered toward its current status of a $300 million industry that is practiced mainly in China. In the western US, there are ongoing (click) cloud seeding programs sponsored primarily by insurance companies to hedge against drought.
The main reason for the declining interest in weather modification is the impossibility of conducting controlled experiments; without these, there can be no absolute certainty that the enhanced rainfall is due to weather modification and not due to the natural variability of the weather.
Recently however, new remote sensing and real-time satellite imaging technologies are about to have revolutionize the field. It is only a matter of time until weather modification becomes a mainstream industry with great potential. Our venture will help to increase this trend.
Summary: (*) The concept has been proven to work 45 years ago; (*) Rapid deployment of pre-fabricated components; (*) Frequent relocation of mobile units to optimize operations; (*) Use of inexpensive capital equipment available in aviation junkyards; (*) An ideal technology for licensing to off-shore companies. (*) There are albeit numerous technological challenges unmet yet the solutions for which are patentable