Entry Date:
May 29, 2013

MirrorFugue III

MirrorFugue III is an installation for a player piano that evokes the impression that the "reflection" of a disembodied pianist is playing the physically moving keys. Live music emanates from a grand piano, whose keys move under the supple touch of a pianist's hands reflected on the lacquered surface of the instrument. On the music stand is visible the pianist's face, whose subtle expressions project emotions of the music. MirrorFugue recreates the feeling of a live performance, but no one is actually there. The pianist is but an illusion of light and mirrors, a ghost at once present and absent. Viewing MirrorFugue evokes the sense of walking into a memory, where the pianist plays along with no awareness of the viewer's presence. Or it is as if viewers were ghosts in another's dream, themselves incorporeal, able to sit down in place of the performing pianist and play along.