Principal Investigator Bradley Olsen
Co-investigator Alfredo Alexander-Katz
Professors Alexander-Katz and Olsen propose to develop antenna structures that are hierarchically structured to maximize exciton flows. By exploiting the amphiphilicity and structure forming capabilities of block copolymers (BCPs), we will be able to recreate in a synthetic manner the confinement found in nature, and self-assemble “Artificial Chlorosomes” within one of the microdomains of the BCP.
Chlorosomes, one of the most efficient light harvesting structures in nature, are the organelles responsible for light capture in green sulfur bacteria which live in deep ocean extremely low light conditions. They are composed of aggregates of bacteriochlorophyll molecules enveloped in a lipid layer, and so can be conceived of as the self-assembly of dye molecules inside an amphiphilic shell. Inspired by this system, we are developing new materials which use block copolymers as structure directing agents for excitonic nanostructures. Hierarchical structural characterization and photophysical measurements allow us to understand which morphologies are necessary for forming devices which can efficiently capturing and transporting solar energy through soft materials.