Principal Investigator Yoel Fink
Project Website
Fibers are among the earliest forms of human expression, yet surprisingly have remained unchanged from ancient to modern times. Can fibers become highly functional devices? Can they See, Hear, Sense and Communicate? Research focuses on extending the frontiers of fiber materials from optical transmission to encompass electronic, optoelectronic and even acoustic properties. What makes our fibers unique is the combination of a multiplicity of disparate materials arranged in elaborate geometries with features down to 10 nanometers. Two complementary approaches towards realizing sophisticated functions are utilized: on the single-fiber level, the integration of a multiplicity of functional components into one fiber, and on the multiple-fiber level, the assembly of large-scale fiber arrays and fabrics. The multimaterial fibers offer unprecedented control over material properties and function on length scales spanning the nanometer to kilometer range.
Central to the approach is the combination of a multiplicity solid state materials which can be thermally co-drawn into elaborate cross sectional structures with features down to 10 nanometers. Two complementary approaches towards realizing sophisticated functions are explored: on the single-fiber level, the integration of a multiplicity of functional components into one fiber, and on the multiple-fiber level, the assembly of large-scale fiber arrays and fabrics.