Principal Investigator Anant Agarwal
Project Website
"edX" is the collaborative endeavor of MIT and Harvard, with the participation of UC Berkeley and eventually other universities (call them "X Universities"). "edX" also refers to the platform -- the combination of technologies and services -- that hosts courses posted online by MIT, Harvard, Berkeley and other X Universities, and refers as well to the website that online learners will come to for these courses. edX has a President (MIT Professor Anant Agarwal) and a governing board. Its courses originate from many universities and its learners form a global community of learners. edX and MIT faculty members and students from MIT and partner universities have developed a range of tools that support creation of automated assessment tools (i.e., online methods to evaluate student submissions). A description of this will be provided in the edX Studio site. In addition, as noted earlier, OEIT can assist in guiding faculty towards tools to develop and install assessment methods.