Principal Investigator J Evans
Co-investigators M Toksöz , F Morgan , Zhenya Zhu
Project Website
The Earth Resources Laboratory (ERL) and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) have had a long history of research work in the physical and chemical properties of rocks as they relate to the subject of Geophysics. In addition, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have also contributed significantly to the study of soils and rocks.
Rock Physics is centrally important to geophysics and its associated fields. The microscopic properties studied in rock physics are important in their right but also for the linkages to larger scale geophysics at the core, borehole or field scales and in the fluid modeling of reservoirs.
For convenience the field can be dissected into the following broad property areas:(*) Mechanical(*) Electrical(*) Seismic(*) Surface Electrochemistry and Rock Physics(*) Seismoelectric and Electroseismic(*) Transport(*) Digital Micro-Rock Physics
All of the above major areas of rock physics are covered in great detail between the departments of EAPS and CEE. Experimental systems are available to perform analysis on a wide variety of parameters as the research area might warrant. Experimental systems are available for micro-optical, micro-digital, core and water tank scale investigations. Appropriate theoretical modeling of the laboratory data is always part of the entire process of rock physics studies.
In order to supplement the laboratory experiments and models, the departments of EAPS and CEE also offer appropriate courses in the Physics and Chemistry of the Mechanical, Seismic, Electrical and Transport properties of rocks and soils.
In summary, it should be clear that MIT has had a long history of Rock Physics research and has produced major advances and innovations over these years. The present team continues to uphold this tradition and is ready to tackle any research problem in the broad area of Rock Physics.