Principal Investigator Ernst Berndt
Co-investigators Alessandro Bonatti , Joseph Doyle , Robert Gibbons , Erin Metcalf Johnson , Robert Pindyck , Roberto Rigobon , Richard Schmalensee , Tavneet Suri , Bengt Hölmstrom , Henry Jacoby , Michael Whinston
Project Website
In the MIT Sloan Applied Economics Group, we use economic theory and econometrics to address the practical challenges facing humanity. Our research spans a wide variety of fields, theoretical and empirical, and integrates a broad spectrum of tools. The focus: high quality research with real-world implications. We study organizations, health economics, macroeconomics, pricing, markets and industrial organization, development economics, and energy and environmental economics. Like peers across the Institute, we are always pushing the research frontier, collaborating widely with other academics and policy makers in the United States and around the globe.
Members of the faculty in the MIT Sloan Applied Economics Group are exploring vital economic issues through leading-edge research like The Billion Prices Project, which uses prices collected daily from hundreds of online retailers around the world to conduct economic research. We also participate in interdisciplinary, cross-university initiatives like The E2e Project, which brings together economic and energy experts to understand the energy efficiency gap.
In the classroom, members of the Applied Economics faculty address vital contemporary challenges in courses like Economic Analysis for Business Decisions, International and Applied Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization, Health Economics, Game Theory for Strategic Advantage, Managing the Modern Organization, Climate Change, and Big Data and Metrics for Managers and, soon, The Business of the Poor.