Entry Date:
December 1, 2011

Amon Lab

Project End Date
 October 2020

The Amon Lab started in 1996 at the Whitehead Institute with Angelika Amon, Rosella Visintin and Susanne Prinz. In 1999 the lab moved to the Center for Cancer Research at MIT (now known as the David Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT) and has been there ever since.

The lab has many interests. We study several aspects of cell growth and division such as how macromolecule biosynthesis is coordinated with cell division and how chromosome segregation is controlled during mitosis and meiosis. We also investigate how the nucleus and mitochondria communicate with each other.

We not only study basic biological processes but also strive to understand how defects in these basic biological processes lead to disease. We study the consequences of chromosome mis-segregation on cell and organismal physiology and how the condition leads to disease states such as cancer and aging.