Entry Date:
December 9, 2010

EciMorph: Curve Morphing in Extended Gaussian Space

Principal Investigator Manolis Kellis (Kamvysselis)

Morphing techniques that have been developed to progressively transform one two-dimensional image to another are usually pixel based and morph a source to a target by interpolating pixel values based on constraints specified by the user. In this work, we are using a model-based approach to propose a solution to morphing a two-dimensional polygon into another. Our model of an object will be its Extended Circular Image representation, the two-dimensional equivalent of the Extended Gaussian Image. This approach will work only for convex polygons, for which the ECI is unique. To morph non-convex polygons, one would have to separate them into convex components and morph each separately, or use an extended version of the ECI that would apply to non-convex polygons. This morphing method can be applied to convex polyhedra using the Extended Gaussian Image, and similarly be extended to non-convex polyhedra.