Principal Investigator Henry Jacoby
Co-investigator Ronald Prinn
Project Website
This project involves the development and extension of the MIT Integrated Global System Model (IGSM) and the supporting analyses to better incorporate human-Earth system interactions in ways that produce greater understanding of the climate change issue. The primary IGSM components are: (1) Emissions Prediction and Analysis of Policy Cost; (2) Coupled Urban and Global Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics, and Terrestrial and Marine Biogeochemistry; and (3) Terrestrial Ecosystems Interactions and Climate Change Effects. The foci of this work involves extension, revision, and testing of the model components and improvement of their linkages to allow more complete study of the human drivers of potential global climate change, climate-system response, the social and environmental implications, and possible response strategies. Also included in this area of effort are supporting research projects that assist in the preparation of future extensions to the IGSM facility, or provide data that can be used for testing and improvement of the IGSM components.