Entry Date:
February 16, 2010


GenomeSpace brings together diverse computational tools into one place, enabling scientists without programming skills to easily combine their capabilities. In the spirit of other “Web 2.0” communities, it aims to offer a common space to create, manipulate and share an ever-growing range of genomic analysis tools.

With funding from the NHGRI and the expertise of an international team of collaborators, GenomeSpace is now being built by researchers from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Weizmann Institute of Science, University of California San Diego, University of California Santa Cruz, Pennsylvania State University and Stanford University. Once complete, it will be made available to the entire research community. (Check this space for updates!)

Initially seeded with six popular genomics tools (Cytoscape, Galaxy, GenePattern, Genomica, Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV), and the UCSC Browser), GenomeSpace will provide a common workspace that enhances the tools’ interoperability. As before, all tools available within GenomeSpace will remain accessible as individual packages from their respective development groups for use as stand-alone software.