Entry Date:
May 13, 2009

Non-Pecuniary Rewards for Nurses

Principal Investigator Roberto Fernandez

Economists tend to view money as the motivating factor and the basis of how all decisions are made. Although limited, the research on non-pecuniary aspects of jobs suggests otherwise: money is clearly not the only dimension that people value in jobs. When making employment decisions, people do not always choose the highest paying job, but instead trade-off wages against other important dimensions (e.g., flexibility, work conditions, autonomy). Roberto Fernandez and Brian Rubineau developed a longitudinal survey design to study the tradeoffs nurses make when choosing among multiple job offers. The survey has 3 important elements:

(*) Subjects are presented with several hypothetical job offers, constructed in terms relative to their current job (e.g., longer commute, more flexible hours, etc.)
(*) Subjects are asked to make rank these offers along several dimensions
(*) Subjects are asked about their current job-seeking status, and willingness for more detailed follow-up.