Principal Investigator Melanie Parker
Project Website
The MIT Educational Studies Program (ESP) was created by MIT students in 1957 so they could make a difference in the community by sharing knowledge and creativity with local high school students. Since then, ESP has grown to support well over a three thousand students each year with the help of MIT students like you. The original High School Studies Program (HSSP) has been joined by many other enrichment programs over the years, and our agenda changes each year to best suit the community’s needs.
Through an extensive offering of academic and non-academic classes, ESP is dedicated to providing a unique, affordable educational experience for motivated middle school and high school students. ESP is a great activity for teens in the Boston area. ESP classes are developed and taught by MIT students, alumni, and faculty, and members of the community. Students are given the chance to learn from passionate and knowledgeable teachers; our teachers can gain experience developing their own curricula with access to students with the strongest desire to learn. The result is a unique, dynamic curriculum and an atmosphere of unparalleled energy. ESP is the largest student-run program of its kind in the United States.
ESP invites students from all walks of life for classes varying from completely fun and non-academic (Duct Tape Design, Bottle Rockets) to the most advanced and challenging (Build Your Own Operating System, Quantum Mechanics) available to high school students. The organization aims to provide exciting, thoughtful and meaningful classes for anyone with the desire to learn.
ESP’s programs offer classes at various times in the year in Computer Science, Math, Hobbies, Performing Arts, Liberal Arts, Science, and Social Science, as well as Advanced Placement (AP) and SAT courses.