Principal Investigator Lucia M Vaina
Project Website
The Brain and Vision Research Laboratory at Boston University is a psychophysical neuroscience facility dedicated to the study of visual perception in humans.
One of the project affiliated withi the lab is Project BoBo (Boston-Bologna). Project BoBo (Boston-Bologna) was born in June 2003, from a newly established collaboration between the Brain and Vision Research Laboratory (Boston University-BME, Neuroscience, and Neurology), University of Bologna (Facolta di Scienze Motorie and Istituto di Fisiologia Umana e Generale), and Ospedale S. Orsola-Malpighi. Continuation of Project BoBo is made possible by a research grant from the Fondazione Carisbo, Bologna.
What is BoBo? Using psychophysics and analytical tools of behavioral and neuroimaging data analysis. We study visual motion perception in stroke patients. Our interests are to determine: (1) how visual motion deficits impact our motor performance, in particular navigation; (2) how visual motion deficits cluster; and (3) how visual motion performance relates to the site and the side of the patient's lesion.