Principal Investigator William Uricchio
Co-investigator Erin Brockette Reilly
Project Website
The New Media Literacies (NML) project, funded by the MacArthur Foundation, is developing a theoretical framework and curriculum for K-12 learners that integrate new media tools into broader educational, expressive and ethical contexts. This four-year project – through collaborations with MacArthur's "Digital Kids" research project at UC/Berkeley and a community of educators, anthropologists, cognitive scientists, academics and media professionals – will establish how to define new media education, how to implement it, and how to sustain it once the project is completed.
NML is partnering with classrooms and after school programs around the country to test curriculum prototypes created by CMS students and program affiliates, including the University of Chicago's Center for Urban School Improvement and Boston's YWCA. The NML team will also work with industry leaders to incorporate core project outcomes into a variety of commercial media products.