Principal Investigator David Geltner
Project Website
In order for government and industry to make good decisions about real estate public policy and business, they need accurate information about the real-estate world and methods to predict and measure the results of those decisions. Good data and the tools to understand that data are essential for government and businesses to choose the best courses of action for business success and the greater public good. These data and tools are often non-existent, unavailable, or difficult to interpret.
The purpose of the CREDL project is to gather this data, measure the performance of commercial real estate, and develop practical methodologies and tools to help govern business and policy decisions. CREDL also provides a public space for analysis and perspective on issues of commercial real estate, bringing together academic research and industry practices in an innovative collaboration.
Transactions-Based Index (TBI) -- The MIT/CRE CREDL Initiative has developed a Transactions-Based Index of Institutional Commercial Property Investment Performance (TBI). The purpose of this index is to measure market movements and returns on investment based on transaction prices of properties sold from the NCREIF Index database. This is a new type of index that offers advantages for some purposes over the median-price or appraisal-based indexes previously available for commercial real estate in the U.S. Median price indexes are not true price-change indexes because the properties that transact in one period are different from those that transacted in the previous period. Appraisal-based indexes are based on appraisal estimates rather than actual prices of actual transactions.
The type of transactions-based index being provided by the MIT/CRE can often provide a more up-to-date or precise picture of movements in the real estate market than these other types of indexes, and is being provided for research purposes by the MIT Center for Real Estate as a service to the industry and academic research communities. However, it should be noted that transactions-based indexes are statistical products that can contain estimation error. MIT makes no warranty or claim regarding the usefulness or implications of the index.
RCA-Based Commercial Property Index -- The Moodys/REAL commercial property index (CPPI) is a periodic same-property round-trip investment price change index of the U.S. commercial investment property market based on data from MIT Center for Real Estate industry partner Real Capital Analytics, Inc (RCA). The methodology for index construction has been developed by the MIT/CRE through a project undertaken in cooperation with a consortium of firms including RCA and Real Estate Analytics, LLC (REAL). The index has been developed with the objective of supporting the trading of commercial property price derivatives. The index is designed to track same-property realized round-trip price changes based purely on the documented prices in completed, contemporary property transactions. The index uses no appraisal valuations. The methodology employed to construct the index is a repeat-sales regression (RSR), as described in detail in Geltner & Pollakowski (2007). The data source for the index is described in detail in a white paper available from RCA.
The set of indices developed so far includes a national all-property index at the monthly frequency, national quarterly indices for each of the four major property type sectors (office, apartment, industrial, retail), selected annual-frequency indices for specific property sectors in specific metropolitan areas, and primary markets quarterly indices for the top 10 metropolitan areas in the major property types. The annual indices are produced in four versions, beginning in January, April, July, and October of each year. These are respectively named the calendar year (CY) index, the fiscal year ending March (FYM) index, the fiscal year ending June (FYJ) index and the fiscal year ending September (FYS) index.
The RCA Database -- The commercial property index is based on the RCA database which attempts to collect, on a timely basis, price information for every commercial property transaction in the U.S. over $2,500,000 in value. This represents one of the most extensive and intensively documented national databases of commercial property prices ever developed in the U.S.
The Moodys/REAL CPPI and the TBI -- The Moodys/REAL CPPI index is a complementary information product to the transaction based index (TBI) also published on the MIT/CRE web site. Both the CPPI and the TBI are based purely on transaction price data. The TBI is based on NCREIF property sales prices data, while the former is based on RCA sales prices data. Thus, the TBI is based on a smaller population of more purely institutionally held properties. The TBI is based on a hedonic regression methodology whereas the CPPI is constructed with a repeat-sales methodology. The TBI is published with history going back to 1984 but only at the quarterly frequency, and only at the national level (for the four major property types), whereas the CPPI includes monthly and annual frequencies and more geographic regional break outs. The latter is a variable-liquidity price-change (appreciation return) index, while the TBI includes total return and constant-liquidity (demand side) indexes. There is evidence that the CPPI, based on a broader market, tends to lead in time the NCREIF-based indexes.