Principal Investigator Daniel Jackson
Co-investigator David Dolev
Project Website
Project Start Date September 2004
Founded at MIT in 2004, Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow (MEET) brings together young Israeli and Palestinian leaders to create positive change through technology and entrepreneurship. MIT student instructors teach computer science and entrepreneurship over the summer and during the January winter session (IAP).
MEET delivers an intensive three-year program focused on technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership. A diverse group of of MIT students, faculty, and alumni have contributed greatly to MEET’s success.
MEET’s three-year program consists of two integrative modules: the intensive Summer Program and the Yearlong Program, which together ensure a life-changing commitment to learning and interpersonal exchange.
Focus is on Palestinian and Israeli youth who excel academically and show leadership and teamwork potential regardless of their background or socio-economic status. Students cohorts consist of equal numbers across nationality and gender. The six-month recruitment process includes a written exam, a group-dynamics session, and a personal interview. We typically have more than 1200 applicants for 120 openings each year. Participants are accepted solely on the basis of merit and receive full scholarships to MEET, as well as tutoring in English as needed. We recruit from 77 localities in Israel and the West Bank/Palestine.