Principal Investigator Scott Manalis
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The Manalis laboratory develops quantitative and real-time techniques for biomolecular detection and single cell analysis. We use conventional silicon processing techniques to fabricate fluidic devices, and exploit the unique physical properties associated with micro- and nanoscale dimensions for developing precision measurement methods.
We have recently developed a technology that enables mass to be measured in the aqueous environment with a resolution that is a million-fold better than existing methods. This approach, known as the suspended microchannel resonator (SMR), places the fluid inside of the resonator instead of immersing the resonator in the fluid and thereby solves the long-standing problem of signal degradation from viscous drag. This has enabled single cells, nanoparticles and biomolecules to be weighed in solution with femtogram resolution.
We are currently exploring a wide range of biological applications with the SMR. For example, we are using the SMR's ability to resolve mammalian cell mass with a precision near ~0.01% to investigate how cell growth relates to progression through the division cycle, and if the response of cancer cells to pathway-directed therapeutics can be classified according to subtle changes in growth.
The group also developing high performance fluidic interfaces to micro- and nanofluidic sensors such as the SMR. These interfaces utilize novel Teflon valves and pumps that are resistant to virtually all chemicals. Our microfluidic Autosampler Chip is capable of automating all fluidic manipulations necessary for performing precision measurements with the SMR sensor.