Entry Date:
December 8, 2005

DIVA: Dynamic Information Visualization with Audio

Principal Investigator Howard Shrobe

Co-investigator Kimberle Koile

DIVA is a multi-modal output system that delivers information to users in an intelligent fashion. When users are in a meeting room listening to a presentation, most information will be delivered via visualization on a screen. Extra information can be presented on smaller screens, and emergency information can be broadcast via audio. When a single user is browsing the same presentation on a mobile phone, DIVA will compactly present visual information on the screen with more emphasis on the use of audio. When this user moves into an offices with a desktop computer and an officemate, the way the information is presented must change quickly. In this project we deal with three separate but interlinked problems. First, the system must utilize efficiently the cognitive capacities of the users. Second, the system must decide the best output channels for delivering different types of information. Third, the system must take advantage of the available output devices. Finally, all of this must be done dynamically, as the environment and the activity that the user is engaged in may change at any given moment.