Entry Date:
June 12, 2004

Binary Actuation for Small-Scale Nano-Manipulators: Discrete Nano-Actuation Technology (DNAT)

Principal Investigator Martin Culpepper

We aim to develop a new class of nano-manipulators based on discrete nano-actuation technology (DNAT) which change this perception. We propose a novel manipulator architecture, which is inspired by biological manipulators. In nature, opposed teams of compliant actuators (i.e. muscles on the front and back of an arm) are used to achieve desired manipulation tasks. DNAT uses teams of opposed, small-scale binary actuators in series with micro-compliant elements to control motion of a nano-manipulator. Binary actuators provide well-defined (i.e. repeatable) inputs to the manipulator that can be maintained with no power (off-position) or low power (on-position). Repeatable binary actuation enables nanometer level accuracy without sensing/feedback control. As a result, DNAT actuators may be reconfigured to obtain several thousand discrete positions in a micron-level workspace. We have constructed a bench-level prototype of a macro-scale DNAT manipulator to prove the concept. We are presently designing and preparing to fabricate a micro-scale version. The monolithic compliant mechanisms were fabricated on-campus using the OMAX abrasive waterjet located in the LMP machine shop.