Entry Date:
August 20, 2001

3D Optical Systems Group

Research at the 3D Optical Systems group is in the area of information photonics, i.e. the combined use of light and digital processing to acquire, process or transfer information (i.e. sensing, computing, and communication.) The particular goal is to identify novel ways of utilizing the 3rd dimension to maximize the information throughput of photonic systems. The three major directions of the research in 3D information photonics are:

(1) 3D optics : we design and build lenses with very unusual properties, e.g. the capability to extract “tomographic” (3D) images and “hyperspectral” images (i.e. color-specific with hundreds of color channels) with high resolution, long working distance, small overall system size (no multi-element lens trains!) and minimal scanning. In addition, we research in the area of Digital Holography to develop a lens-less (3D) imaging system for underwater exploration.

(2) micro-opto-mechanics for integrated optics: we design and fabricated micromechanical structures for use in guided wave systems for telecommunications and sensing, for example tunable Bragg gratings, switchable and tunable resonant wavelength filters, etc.

(3) the nanostructured origami(TM) 3D fabrication and assembly method will eventually allow us to manufacture 3D nanosystems with exclusive use of 2D litho tools. Thus, we can still exploit the 3rd dimension without being limited by the difficulties of semiconductor infrastructure to deal with volumes.