Magnetic Fusion Energy
Principal Investigator Peter J Catto
Co-investigators John Wright , Abhay Ram , Paul Bonoli , Darin R Ernst , Kim Molvig , Jesus J Ramos , Jeffrey Freidberg , Jay Kesner
Project Website
PSFC researchers study the use of strong magnetic fields to confine plasma at the high temperatures and pressures required for practical fusion energy. This research is conducted using on-site experimental facilities, theory and simulation, and collaboration with researchers at other facilities. PSFC scientists, students, and engineers perform experiments and develop technologies to confine and heat the plasma and to manage the interactions between the plasma and the reactor materials.
ADX: Advanced Divertor Experiment -- The Advanced Divertor and RF tokamak experiment is conceived as a compact, high-magnetic field, high-power density tokamak that implements cutting-edge innovations in the areas of plasma power exhaust, plasma-wall interactions, and radio-frequency current drive and heating.
Alcator C-Mod tokamak -- Alcator C-Mod is an experimental device called a tokamak: a configuration considered for future fusion reactors. C-Mod is the world’s only compact, high-magnetic field, diverted tokamak, allowing it to access unique experimental regimes and influence the direction of the world fusion program.
High-field pathway to fusion power -- The high-field approach to fusion at PSFC has two facets: explore the confinement and stability of the plasma at high field using short pulse copper electromagnets (Alcator C-Mod, ADX), and advanced superconductor magnet technology to obtain the highest possible magnetic field.
Plasma heating & current drive -- RF heating and current drive research at the PSFC focuses on two techniques in particular. The Lower hybrid range of frequency (LHRF) has been identified as one of the most promising sources for off-axis current drive with its high efficiency and the proper current profile, while Ion cyclotron range of frequency power (ICRF) provides efficient bulk heating and promising flow drive. more
Plasma turbulence -- Small fluctuations in tokamak plasmas lead to turbulence, and turbulent eddies can very effectively transport heat from the hot core across confining magnetic field lines out to the cooler plasma edge, degrading the plasma performance. Predicting this phenomenon of turbulent-transport is essential for the understanding and development of fusion reactors. more
Tokamak & stellarator collaborations -- The PSFC maintains a strong collaborative effort with plasma and fusion facilities around the world to develop and collaboratively implement physics and technological solutions to enable realization of fusion energy. more