While we were studying vigilant leaders, GE was asking a similar question using a different lens. They studied the management of 15 companies with stellar organic growth records to learn what additional leadership traits they needed to nurture a shift from a culture of productivity toward one of growth.i They found that growth leaders shared five traits:
1. Creates an external focus that defines success in market/ industry terms.2. Is a clear thinker who can simplify strategy into specific actions, makes decisions and communicates priorities.3. Has imagination and courage to take risks on both people and ideas. Bold thinking to imagine a better way and the courage to make it a reality.4. Can energize teams through inclusiveness and connection with people … builds loyalty and commitment.5. Develops expertise in a function or domain, using depth of knowledge as a source of confidence to drive change.
The only notable difference between our qualities of vigilant leaders and the GE growth leader traits concerns item 5. We assumed that depth of knowledge would be embedded within our three qualities. One implicit reason vigilant leaders are smart, secure and able to infuse their teams with confidence is their mastery of the details and of the environment’s complexities.
i. J. Immelt, “Growth as a Process: The HBR Interview,” Harvard Business Review (June 2006): 60-70.